Legacy Solutions

Do you want to have a worry-free financial life? If your answer is yes, Legacy Solutions is our key to that!

What do we mean by Legacy Solutions?

Legacy Solutions is about building a legacy of financial freedom. Achieving this financial freedom is a goal for many but it is definitely not an easy one. It is about being financially prepared to be able to make life decisions however you please and of course who wouldn’t want to live a life free from financial stress?

I am Mary Jo, and together, we can make that happen!

As a Certified Professional Coach and Human Design Consultant, I can help you achieve clarity and power to make your vision a reality. As your coach, I can support you in the journey in creating legacy solutions for your financial independence.

We will look into your relationship with money and then I will support you in setting your financial goals, developing an action plan, and following through with that plan.

The Mojo Journey

Mary Jo has developed a process she calls the Mojo Journey. It begins as an inner journey which facilitates releasing the blocks that are holding people back and tapping into their inner core which results in sharing their gifts externally. Her clients learn how they are designed to energetically move through the world. They come to know how their thoughts, emotions, and actions resonate with various energy levels and learn how to consciously respond, instead of reacting, to life’s circumstances.

In creating legacy solutions, here are some of the things Mary Jo will do for you:

  • Understand the WHY behind your financial behavior
  • Collaborate with you in creating financial goals
  • Remove negative feelings about money
  • Overcome self-doubts
  • Develop a clear-headed approach to spending
  • Shift your mindset to start thinking long term

We all get to create our own definition of being financially free, depending on what we really want to achieve in life. As your coach, I will empower you to design a roadmap and your own specific navigation system. YOU are in charge of your finances, and we will make sure that it’s not your finances that take charge on you. That is building legacy solutions!

Understanding Financial Freedom

Generally, financial freedom means having enough money to cover your day-to-day living expenses, enough funds to cover your emergency expenses, and having enough savings to prepare for your retirement plan. Many of us are living paycheck to paycheck and feeling stuck in a job we hate but stay because the job pays our bills. The goal is to be free from this feeling.

When you are financially independent, you have the privilege of OPTIONS. You can choose whether you would pursue your passion project without the fear of getting paid less for it. You can go out on a trip for a vacation without guilt or straining your budget. You can help those who are in need with utmost generosity. That’s what creating legacy solutions is all about. And that is why Mary Jo is here for you!

How does coaching help you in building legacy solutions of financial freedom?

  • It supports you in developing healthy spending habits
  • It helps you focus on improving long-term financial behavior
  • It addresses immediate issues that hinder from meeting your goals
  • It facilitates objective decision-making in money management
  • It motivates you to stay on track with consistent progress monitoring


Being intentional is key to building a legacy of financial freedom. Let’s talk about it today!

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/maryjorathgeb

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maryjorathgeb/